Master’s Commission Amsterdam (MCA) is a ministry of Credo Church Amsterdam and offers a unique learning experience for young adults who desire to grow into leadership to take their place within society and the Church.
Credo Church is a multiethnic church based in Amsterdam and has the vision to multiply faith communities across the city by obedience based disciple making. The aim is the send out disciple makers and urban missionaries who will be deployed in strategic locations or relational networks, to make disciples of unreached/unchurched people in Amsterdam.
The driving force behind Credo Church is Master’s Commission. With MCA, Credo envisions every church member to be trained and become a effective disciple-maker. Master’s Commission has also an intensive one year program with the goal to train young adults (between 18-35 years old) to become catalysts for disciple-making in their own local or sending church. MCA will equip every student with a certified intermediate level of theological education, provide for spiritual formation and practical application.
Master’s Commission was launched, in the Netherlands by former directors, Enzo and Sandy Pignato. The program has seen hundreds of young people from around the world make decisions to follow Jesus, emerge as leaders, and sent out to make a difference in the world. After 10 years, the program took a short period to evaluate, reflect and reinvent itself and is being relaunched in 2019.
MCA will be offering an entirely renewed program that is attractive for students who want to take a gap-year make a significant investment in their lives. This 9 months program has its focus on discipleship, biblical education and doing missions in an urban context. Students of MCA will be part of a learning community, where they will be challenged to develop their character, discover their potential, learn more about the bible and experience what it means to obey, and live out their faith by loving and serving others.